Apple’s next move towards 20% hike by Samsung Electronics

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I’ve read some reports about the rival Samsung and Apple. As most know, Samsung is the manufacturer of Apple’s chips and comes to a revelation that Samsung electronics had increased the price of its mobile processor by 20%, and just too only one of the Korean technologies giant’s customer “Apple”.

According to MarketWatch report that Apple purchased each and every application processor (AP) that is used on their smartphones and tablets for production. Samsung Electronics had dispersed an estimated volume of 130 million units last year and 200 million units this year of mobile processors. Samsung Electronics contract on providing chips is still effective until 2014.

Over viewing it, it’s more likely that Apple would be designing their own chips on the near future, to gain control the supply chain on their iPhones and iPads. And last month, Apple done some shuffling on their fortress, Apple’s former hardware chief Bob Mansfield was appointed as senior vice-president of technologies, giving a challenge to where he’s in-charge on attempting to the firm’s in-house semiconductor and chip-making, and disconnecting out with their third-party suppliers, Samsung Electronics.

Also coming on-board a former Samsung and AMD chip veteran Jim Mergard, hired by Cupertino. And Apple wants to retain its functionality chips as provided by Samsung Electronics.

MarketWatch tried to contact the two giant firms Samsung Electronics and Apple’s South Korea office to further run deep on the hike but declined to comment on it.

Let’s hear about your opinion on this and able to look over your vision towards some changes Apple made. Do you think it’s the best move?
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